I'm a jaw clencher.  I had a dentist appointment last week and we were discussing how my jaw pops in and out and causes me to have headaches.  I've dealt with it for years, but when I started playing roller derby, the pressure started getting to me.  I've taken a break from derby and have seen my jaw loosen a little bit, but apparently I'm still a jaw clencher at night.  Why can't I seem to relax when I sleep?  As simple as it should be, it's not for me.

Question 1:  Are you holding something you can't release to Him  (Dream, fear, pain, sin, relationship, etc.)?  What are you afraid He'll do with it?
     My husband and I are on our 3rd Financial Peace class that we've led.  In those classes, we talk about giving and receiving.  A clenched fist can't really receive anything, but an open fist (palm) gives the opportunity to give and to receive.  I have no problem tithing and giving monetarily, but to give other things to God, yes, I struggle with it.  It sounds to weird to say that I'm holding onto my dreams from God...because He KNOWS them already.  But yet, I'm holding on to them, not sharing them with Him because I am afraid of failing.   I don't like to be a failure.  I'm not good at not being good.

Question 2:  Where does your pain usually take you?
     My paint usually brings me to anger and frustration.  Sometimes it brings me to God (i.e. 1  Samuel 1:9-11).  Is it easy for you to go direct to God, rather than going within yourself?  I know it is for me. 
"Believer, God is strong enough to absorb your heartache before it is resolved."
Like the clenched fist, God can't bless us if we our fists are closed.  How are we to receive Him?  So why do I not open my heart and share my heart with Him...everyday, good and not so good?  Like Hannah, I can choose to "let go and let God" take care of it all.  He wants me to open up.  He wants you to open up. 

1 Samuel 1:20 says, "and in due time she gave birth to a son. She named him Samuel, for she said, 'I asked the Lord for him.'”  God hears us.  I sit here in awe of that; God hears us.  How cool is it that we worship a God that is involved and wants to be involved in our lives?  I think it's pretty awesome! 
"A believe who open her hands before God, releasing the hope of her Samuel, stands empty-handed for only a moment.  Because that same open hand is free to receive God's goodness as He hands it back."
Coming back to question 1, I think I'm afraid of trusting in God 100%.  I want to be like Hannah.  I want to shed every inhibition I have and give it ALL to Him. 

Lord, help me to open my hands when it comes to ALL areas of my life.  I need to trust in You.  Amen.

Thanks for joining me. We'll wrap up this week in a couple of days.  Feel free to share a prayer request via email or private message.  

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